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How do I get my Aquarius man back? Don’t you wish there was one simple and easy answer to that question? The problem with relationships, especially those that begin to fall apart, is that most of us have no idea how exactly to handle the situation. Instead of taking a step back and thinking about what the best approach to take is, we jump in, head first. Our emotions get behind the driver’s wheel and things careen out of control very quickly. You want your guy back but you do need to stop, think and then act. You’ll be grateful you did.
In order to get an Aquarius man back you need to have realistic expectations. If you’re dreaming of the moment when he comes crawling back to you begging you to take him back, you’ll be waiting forever. That isn’t how these men work. They don’t act that way. Instead of hoping that he’ll miraculously change his mind and want you back, you need to persuade him to do that. If you can be subtle about it, that’s even better.
First things first, you’ve got to give the man some space. Aquarius men need some time to process what happened once a relationship ends. Even though you’re going to have an overwhelming urge to follow him around, don’t do that. Busy yourself in your own life. Do what you can to get your mind off of him. If you grant him the space he desires you’re sending a very clear message that you respect his needs. That’s crucial if you want things to move forward to a romantic place again.
Just as you likely played hard to get when you were initially trying to attract your guy, resort to that again. This tactic just works really well with men born under this sign. You do need to play it a little differently the second time around though or he’ll see through what you’re doing very easily. The main point to remember is to not initiate contact with him. Let him come to you. If you do end up having a telephone conversation with him, be the first to end it. Always have a great excuse in your back pocket to use when you are interacting with him. You need to leave him wanting more. This is what drives Aquarius men wild with desire.
He knows you so use that to your advantage. Make certain that your best qualities are always shining through when you’re around him. You want to remind him of why he fell in love with you in the first place. Dropping understated hints about the happier times of your lives together will pull him closer again too.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/relationship-articles/breakups-separation-articles/how-do-get-my-aquarius-man-back-surprising-ways-win-back-his-heart-129025.html
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Reading the next page will dramatically increase your chances of getting your ex boyfriend back. Learn the guaranteed method of getting your man back, by clicking here. Author: Gillian Reynolds